Every Friday we share crafting tutorials in the Indonesian Crafters group on Facebook, and today I'm going to share mine.
You have probably seen my store updates on the latest Sister Love Collection glass pendants, and this is how I made those darlings:
You have probably seen my store updates on the latest Sister Love Collection glass pendants, and this is how I made those darlings:
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awesome, this had just arrived yesterday! |
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my favorite supplier always give a top notch service. i totally {heart} this |
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i forgot to include the cotton bud, but it's readily available in you household [i hope!] |
if you're using a purchased collage sheet, make sure it's okay for commercial use, always check the seller's TOU! NEVER use something that's not yours to sell.
sorry for the blurry pic, I was half asleep when I took this :P |
yay, you're almost there!
just add another coat of modpodge lightly onto the back and place it firmly on the frame setting/bezel, and have another coffee/tea/jog around the yard
when you return, check if the glue has dried off and no stain appears on the image [when it did, just wash everything in the water, peel the sheet off and do it all over again :P]
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... and VOILA! there you have it! ^^ if you had purchased one or a couple of my glass pendants, and had accidentally took them for a swim/bathe, just peel everything OFF and place your favorite photo/picture as replacement. it will go on and on like this and you will have so many memories that you could share with others through a simple glass pendant. oh I almost forgot, as the nature of glass is prone to chipping/cracking, these pendants are not suitable for children. you could replace the glass with a resin sticker instead ^^ |
happy crafting, y'all!
wah...never thought it's quite easy to make. thanks for the tutorial Mba Nuning! Keep sharing :)
ckckck... bagusnya sih mbaa...
it's very easy mba Rika, told you so!^^
mba wilis, thanks a bunch!^^
Wah mantap..great mba nuning..keren2..
bagus bgt mba nuning ^_^ *hehe..kpn hr mo post komen ga bisa wkwkwk*
Terima kasih mba Akmal Nisa^^ hayuh dibuat yuk? mudah kok ...
hai haii, makasih ya mba petra dah mampir, hihihi .. lunas ya janjikyu?? ^_^
Waaahh.,, coba aah,,,
tapi bahannya beli di mana ya,,
di lombok kayaknya nggak ada nih,,
BBC jual bahan-bahannya juga kok mba Inas, untuk modpodge bisa diganti dengan lem fox yang botol kuning^^ mudah dan berkesan, hihihi
bu guruuuu...
akhirnya tutorial dan wangsit foxnya terbit ya...
makasih banyak dah berbagi
your the best..
makasih mba Dina udah mampir, iyah, akhirnya tampil juga tutorialnya, hihihi
This is great! Now I'm thinking where to find those glass tiles. I'm making one this week!
Annabella Merlin
Creative Photo Albums
Thank you Annabella, I am sure you could find those glass tiles at your local craftstores, have great fun! ^_^
Wonderful tutorial.. thank you :)
Thank you Farhana from Sketched Soul, I just came from your website/blog and liked what I found there, u're so creative! ^^
Baru sempat main dan jingkrak2 karena tutorialnya ternyata gampang. Cuma bahannya yang bikin garuk2 dompet. Hahahaha...
Oya, kalo beli Lem Fox botol kuning di toko apa ya mbak? Alat tulis apa toko bangunan? :P
banyak di Gramed mba Iin, di sebagian toko2 buku pinggir jalanpun ada, hehehe ... siap2 menahan napas saat lem sudah mengering, that's when the magic begins ^_^
wahhhh aku cari-cari dari dulu yg kaya gini di indo akhirnya ketemu juga hehe mbaaa, jual bahan-bahannya juga? maauuu donk.. gmn caranyaaa??? please let me know yaaa
hai your post is what i'm looking for the most. Great! But I wonder where I can find those stickers? I got my own pictures to attach to the glass pendants and where i can find those the adhesive glue? thank you I'm newbie crafter :D
Hi mba Fransisca, thanks for contacting me via Blessedly Blissful Craft (FB), nice to meet a very talented person like you ^^
Hello there Svazora, you can get the stickers at Blessedly Blissful Craft in FB, I currently have 25mm square and round stickers in stock. for the adhesives/glue, need not fear, you could get the fox glue (w/yellow bottle) just about anywhere! ;)
minta alamat web tokonya dong mbak.. pingin beli glass tile nya. yang buat ukuran kayak tutup botol ada nggak mbak? trus gambarnya kalau di print pake kertas luntur nggak kira"? hehe,, maaf mbak, banyak tanya nih..
Duileee mba Inas, kan bisa langsung inbox aja ke Blessedly Blissful Craft di FB, hehehe .. aku ada kok yang glasstile ukuran tutup botol, untuk kertas paling bagus pake kertas foto mba, sebetulnya pake kertas tebal juga oke, cuma gambar akan lebih kinclong kalo pake kertas foto .. :D
Kalau mod podge yang buat gliterly ada ga mba? Sudah ni kalau ada kabari aku ke 083849940669 thanks ya
Maaf mau tanya beli mod podge di indo dimana ya mbak??? Mohon bantuannya :)))
maaf mau nanya, mod podgenya beli dimana ya? sama glass stonenya?
All, sebagai pengganti ModPodge bisa pakai lem fox botol kuning, menurutku hasilnya malah lebih bagus, hehehe .. untuk glass tiles bisa beli di Cerracraft Shop atau Ashllee Embellishment Yours (semua olshop FB) :)
Sis kl mau beli round glass dijakartabarat dimana ya , thanks sis
Ahhhh you are my hero! cari2 jungkir balik apa itu mod podge dan dimana belinya krn mau coba buat pot. Akhirnya ketemu di sini, pake lem fox botol kuning. ok!brangkat ke toko. Thanks a loott...
Mbak itu metal framesnya bisa dibeli di mna ya?? Thx
All, untuk pembelian glass tiles bisa di Quen Button, Ashlee Embellishment Yours sama Cerracraft Shop (semua akun FB) yaa, untuk framesnya juga tersedia disana, happy crafting ^_^
Mba Jeje, iya bener mba, lem fox botol kuning serves the purpose kok untuk craft yang satu ini, just for reference ada satu olshop yang jual modpodge, coba deh ke: www.craftbymood.com :)
Cihuy makasih buat tutorialnya mbak.
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